UUM Electronic Theses and Dissertation
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,, Agusmiati (2022) Hubungan antara bantuan kerajaan, kompetensi keusahawanan dan sokongan keluarga dengan prestasi perniagaan usahawan wanita di Acheh serta kesan moderasi persekitaran luar perniagaan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

,, Asna (2022) The effect of board equity ownership towards the relationships between corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and company’s performance of oil palm companies in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

,, Faizi (2022) Pembangunan produk perbankan syariah di Indonesia dalam perspektif pelaku perbankan syariah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

,, Fauzan (2022) Pengaruh tadbir urus korporat dan struktur hutang terhadap prestasi syarikat-syarikat awam tersenarai di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


A. Ghani, Hairunnisa (2022) Behavioural approaches to safety management practices among oil & gas workers. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abd Jawat, Sipun (2022) Pengetahuan dan sikap berkaitan Covid-19 terhadap amalan pencegahan jangkitan Covid-19 dalam kalangan pekerja penjagaan kesihatan. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abd Kadir, Salihah (2022) Pengetahuan dan sikap guru pendidikan Islam terhadap amalan pentaksiran bilik darjah (PBD) Sekolah Kebangsaan di Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abdul Ghafur, Hanafi (2022) The development of emotional intelligence (EI) conceptual model for construction project management. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abdul Hamid, Nordin (2022) Hubungan di antara tret personaliti dan sokongan organisasi terhadap daya tahan di kalangan penolong pegawai perubatan di daerah Alor Gajah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abdul Wafi, Samsurrijal (2022) The application of constructive possession (qabd hukmi) in Islamic financial contracts. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abdulla, Yousef Abdulkarim Yousef (2022) The impact of supply chain management and business analysis systems on employee creativity and organizational innovation in the government sector in the United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abdulla Mohamed, Khalifa Mohamed (2022) The impact of crisis management on supply chain management to improve the performance continuity in the security sector in Abu Dhabi in the UAE. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abu Bakar, Nur Sumaiyah (2022) Pendekatan khauf dan raja’ al-Ghazali dalam merawat penyakit gelisah (anxiety disorder). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abu Talib, Siti Nurul Ain (2022) The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention towards beauty products in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Abubakar, Al Munnir (2022) The influence of teacher wellbeing, professional development and perceived organizational support on teacher effectiveness: Teacher self-efficacy and resilience as mediators. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Adi Nuraishah, Mohd Radzi (2022) The determinant factors of financial management behaviour during financial crisis in Klang Valley. Diploma thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Adil, Ibrahim (2022) Awarness on animal welfare handling and transportation elements during festive season among traders in Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Afisha Syazrin, Ahmad Sunazneen (2022) Online purchase intention of electronic goods based on online customer reviews (OCRs) among females in Kuala Lumpur. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Agnese, Federica (2022) Participatory monitoring for system of rice intensification – farmer field school program in West Malaysia: perception and influential factors. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad, Khalid Ayoob Mohd Hassan (2022) Evaluating the effect of talent management practices and succession management implementation on employee engagement and quality of services for federal authority for identity and citizenship in Dubai. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Fairuz, Saad (2022) Factors influencing safety behavior among students in a TVET institute in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Faizal, Ismail (2022) An assessment of well-being index for Iskandar Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Iqbal, Mian Muhammad (2022) The moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between social capital and social well-being among youth. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Irfan Fahmi, Al Qudsi (2022) Factors related to the intention of expatriates in business process outsourcing to work in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Rashidi, Mohd Saleh (2022) Pendekatan MHPSS dalam menangani tekanan di kalangan pekerja kesihatan di daerah Jerantut Pahang semasa pandemik Covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmad Zamakhshari, Hasbullah (2022) The effect of demographic and perception of justice towards Special Voluntary Disclosure Program (SVDP): A case of individual tax payer in Terengganu. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ahmed Abdelaziz Elsayed, Ahmed (2022) Arbitrary generalized trapezoidal fully fuzzy sylvester matrix equation and its special and general cases. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ain Nazirah, Saiful Hisam (2022) Factors related to perceived teleworking productivity among employees in the Information Technology (IT) Industry in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Aina Husna, Fadzli Shah (2022) Examining the relationship between job stress, workload, work environment and employee performance: A study on SOCSO staff in Johor. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Aish, Ahmed A. M. (2022) The relationship between digital marketing, customer relationship management and service quality on brand equity. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Akhyar, Ahmad Musthafainal (2022) The impact of Islamic work ethic, job satisfaction, and welfare facilities on organizational commitment in University Utara Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al Ali, Essa Abdulrahman Essa Rashid (2022) Influences of functional, aesthetic, normative, and emotional dimensions of the country image on the popular support for the UAE foreign strategy among the arab community - Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al Jasmi, Mohamad Ibrahim Hassan Mohamad (2022) Impact of awareness, readiness, control, response, and technology usage on crisis management of drones threats in Dubai International Airport. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Ali, Bader Mohamed Abdullah Bosanan (2022) The effectiveness of the UAE arbitration law no. 6-2018 in preserving the legal rights of the disputing parties: a legal analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Dyani, Wafa Zubair Abdullah (2022) An enhanced binary bat and Markov clustering algorithms to improve event detection for heterogeneous news text documents. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Hameedy, Mohammed Degan Abdul Amir (2022) The moderating roles of audit committee tenure and audit partner tenure on the relationships between audit committee characteristics and earnings management. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Muhja, Malik Saad Abdalhassan (2022) Best weighted approximation and its degree for (co) convex and unconstrained polynomials. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Rahamneh, Nayef Mohammad Abdel-Nabi (2022) Determinants of sales tax evasion among SMEs in Jordan: The moderating effect of moral obligation. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Sakkaf, Abdullah Mohammed Hussein (2022) A program visualization model to enhance student engagement in introduction to programming course. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-Wesabi, Hamid Abdulkhaleq Hasan (2022) Comparative analysis of financial risks towards financial stability of Islamic and conventional banks in GCC countries. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Al-mazini, Hassan Fouad Abbas (2022) Aco-based feature selection algorithm for classification. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Albreem, Lina A. M. (2022) Relationships of psychosocial factors and upper extremity discomfort in office workers: cognitive factor as a mediator. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Aldeeha, Fawzi Mohamed Hasan (2022) The Relationship Between Social Media Marketing Capability, Trust and SMEs’ Performance in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alganad, Amr Mohammed Nasser (2022) The effects of consumption values and environmental concern on consumers' attitudes and intention towards green cars in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alhasan, Rashad Faleh Ali (2022) Exploring Hashemite University students’ Oral Communication Apprehension (OCA) of English language and translation: Illuminating the causes, effects and strategies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alhosani, Faisal Ismail Sayed Ali (2022) The impact of human resource management practices on employee creativity in Sharjah Police in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ali, Kharulanuar (2022) Hubungan di antara kepuasan kerja dan stres terhadap kecekapan kerja pasukan respon ambulans (PRA) negeri Melaka. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almansoori, Abdelrahman Hassan Mohamed Abdulla (2022) The modifying effect of artificial intelligence on the relationship between human resource practices and organizational performance: an applied study in the field of manufacturing in Dubai. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almansour, Ala'A Zuhair Ahmad (2022) The personality factors effect on capability requirements and task performance in fraud risk assessment: Forensic accountants and auditors' perspective. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almarshoodi, Tariq Khalfan Barshoud (2022) Crisis response strategy, crisis responsibility, and perceived organizational reputation – The mediating role of charismatic leadership communication and moderating role of international learning orientation. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almashni, Mohammed Ibrahim Jamil (2022) A legal analysis of judicial rules and procedures relating to public order concept in Palestinian civil and commercial procedure law no. (2) of 2001 and the impact of nullity on it. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almazini, Hussein (2022) Enhanced grey wolf optimisation algorithm for feature selection in anomaly detection. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Almazrooei, Khalid Khalifa Fadhel Khalifa (2022) The impact of innovation, technology and community factors on innovative services in Dubai police-the moderation role of government intervention. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alnajjar, Ibrahim Ali Mohammad (2022) Integrated examination and analysis model for improving mobile cloud forensic investigation. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alnuaimi, Ali Mohammed (2022) The impact of crisis management communications, national media, and social media management on sustainable international relations in the United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Aloqaily, Ayham Ahmad (2022) The role of vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size on english reading comprehension among Jordanian EFL undergraduates. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alqudwa, Abdallah M. N. (2022) The impact of ceo characteristics on financial performance of Malaysian construction listed firms. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alrfai, Mohammad Motasem Sayel (2022) Empirical examination of macro-economic factors on credit risk determinant of commercial banks in Jordan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alsharifi, Hiba Jasim Hadi (2022) Modelling the intention to adopt cloud computing software as-a-service among IT professionals in Iraqi public organisations. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alshuaibi, Mohammad Sa’id Ibrahim (2022) The relationship between job demands, resources, stress, and cyberloafing among administrative staff in Jordanian universities. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alvi, Attia Aman Ullah (2022) The mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between employer branding, violence prevention, work-life balance, compensation and employee retention. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alwahaibi, Sultan Saqar Oqaidan (2022) The quality of a mathematics teacher training programme at the specialised institute for professional training of teachers in Oman. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alzaabi, Ahmed Abdulla Yousef Ahmed (2022) The effect of e-learning training program on organizational performance through underlying mechanism of capacity building, job performance and job satisfaction of Dubai Police Force. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Alzarooni, Majid Ibrahim Mohamed Abdalla (2022) The role of leaders’ strategic improvisation, corporate entrepreneurship, organizational culture, and total quality management on the performance of international SMEs in UAE. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ang, Wei Chern (2022) The Effect of Sociodemographic and Unhealthy Behaviour Factors on the Pharmaceutical Expenditure Share by Households in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Anis Afifah, Mohd Radzi (2022) Public acceptance and awareness of the use of solar energy in Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Annate Nadzirah, Abd Latif (2022) Adaptation strategies for impacts of climate change on tourism in Malaysia: Assessing the perspectives of community. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Anusiah, Ramanmuthi (2022) Impact of corporate governance mechanism on financial performance of Malaysia listed firms. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Arifah Fasha, Rosmani (2022) Hybridization of signaling principle and Nielsen's design guideline in a mobile application. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Arina Rus Zahira, Rusli (2022) Stock market reaction of political connections surrounding 2018 Malaysian general election. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Arumugam, Balakrishnan (2022) Norma eufemisme dalam novel Ramlee Awang Murshid. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ashwiny, Chandra Segaran (2022) Issues and Challenges Faced by Farmers in Paddy Cultivation: A Case Study of Crop Reinsurance Scheme Proposed by Agrocaptive in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Asif, Muhammad Uzair (2022) Strategic orientation and performance of small medium enterprises: The moderating role of entrepreneurial networking. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Asli, Ani Asmaa (2022) Determinants of intention towards indebtedness amongst government servants : Moderating effect of accounting literacy and financial literacy. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Asokan, Thivyaa Niroshanaa (2022) Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS): exposure to repetitive movements and manual handling among glass handler in glass manufacturing company. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Awang Dzul-Hashriq Dharfizi, Awang Salleh (2022) An analysis of Malaysia’s regional energy diplomacy: Experience and outcome. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Azim Azuan, Osman (2022) The relationship between lean maturity and sustainable lean transformation gains with mediating effects of leadership and culture in Malaysia manufacturing sector. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Azman, Md Zain (2022) Kedudukan Fahaman Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (ASWJ) di Malaysia Pada Abad ke-21M. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Bavaani, Balakrishnan (2022) The effect of IR4.0 readiness and government initiative among E&E SMEs in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Bensaid, Abdessetar (2022) The effects of ceos' power, risk management committees' characteristics, and real earnings management in Malaysia: the moderating role of GLICS. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Biswas, Chhanda (2022) Evaluation of international tourists’ satisfaction towards Bangladesh as a tourist destination. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Bouteraa, Mohamed (2022) Determinants of customers’ intention to adopt green banking technology services within Islamic banks of the United Arab Emirates. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Chai, Loke Boon (2022) Critical Success Factors of Lean Six Sigma Deployment in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Firm: A Case Study. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Cham, Li Wei (2022) The impact of employee’s recognition, rewards and job stress on job performance. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Che Noh, Suhaila (2022) Pengaruh TPACK dan set minda pemikiran reka bentuk terhadap kompetensi pengajaran guru sains komputer. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Che Sobry, Suheil (2022) Green supply chain management and sustainable performance among certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia: the mediating effect of social capital. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Cheah, Lee Suan (2022) The relationship between trustworthiness, congruence, likeability, and advertisement of celebrity endorsement in social media towards consumer purchasing intention. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Cheah Soo Thape, Neendha (2022) Solving sylvester matrix equations with LR bipolar triangular fuzzy numbers in electric circuits problems. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Chim, Weng Kong (2022) Customer retention in Malaysia banks: the effect of relationship marketing, service quality, price, and mediation of satisfaction. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Cpriyatarsshini, Chelladurai (2022) Factors affecting efficiency of indirect tax auditors. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Daniel, Olasehinde Damilola (2022) The influence of employee development in increasing organizational productivity. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Darshaini, Sagathevan (2022) Examining factors that contribute to mental health among Malaysian executives. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Darwind Raj, Anthony Das (2022) Job performance: the influence of leadership style, organizational climate and motivation during abrupt situation among financiaI industries in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Deji, Kalejaiye Omoshola (2022) Oil politics in African resource communities: Rationales for conflict and peacebuilding process in Nigeria’s Ogoniland. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Dias, Mahathelge Nicholas Ruwan (2022) The impact of big data utilisation on Malaysian government Hospital performance. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Dulfikar jawad, Hashim (2022) Application of new homotopy analysis method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving fuzzy fractional ordinary differential equations. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Durmohamed, Yousef Abdulrahman Mohamed (2022) The moderation of smart industry technology on the relationship between supply chain management practices and competitive advantage in the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Durmohammed, Hamad Yaqoob Mohammed (2022) Integrating the use of artificial intelligence in security crisis management and its impact on the continuity of performance at Dubai Airports. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Durrani, Hina (2022) Investigating the impact of metacognitive learning strategies on ESL learners’ writing skills in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Elmghirbi, Ahlam Mohamed Omar (2022) Evaluation model for usability practitioners: a mobile application for low vision users. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Elzy Ovktafia, Chairul (2022) Investigation of noise exposure at the palm oil mills in Sabah: a qualitative study. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Enda Nurain, Ngah Deman (2022) Perceived stress, resilience and coping mechanism among healthcares in emergency department Hospital Shah Alam during Covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Fadhel, Mustafa Abbas Fadhel (2022) Constructing new control points for Bézier interpolating polynomials using new geometrical approach. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Faisal, Muhammad Adnan (2022) Atheism in Pakistan: Influences and challenges amongst Muslim youth. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Faizahtul Salwa, Othman (2022) Ways of seeking tax knowledge and its impact on tax personnel competency. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Faizul, Muhammad (2022) The determinant of safety management practices ons safety compliance behavior among Royal Malaysia Police Airwing employees. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fajila, Mohamed Nisper Fathima (2022) Mutable composite firefly algorithm for gene selection in microarray based cancer classification. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fakhruddin, Khosim (2022) Pengujian teori generalizabiliti serta pengaruh motivasi, pembelajaran regulasi kendiri dan gaya pembelajaran terhadap pencapaian akademik murid Orang Asli di Perak. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Farah Adila, Abdullah (2022) Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Innovation And Its Economic Implications In The Beef Cattle Industry In Peninsular Malaysiafactors Affecting The Adoption Of Innovation And Its Economic Implications In The Beef Cattle Industry In Peninsular Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Faridah, Hashim (2022) The effect of reinvestment allowance on turnover and return on asset among manufacturing companies. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Faridahannum, Salamat (2022) Factors affecting the behavioural intention to adopt online zakat payment by Tabung Haji headquarters staff in Kuala Lumpur. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fasmie, Nawasdeen Mohamed (2022) Direct multi-step hybrid block methods with systematic selection of off-step points for higher order ordinary differential equations in the presence of higher derivatives. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fauzan, , (2022) Strategi Indonesia dalam menguruskan keselamatan sempadan maritim: kes kajian di perairan kepulauan Natuna. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fazlil Azim, Kamaruddin (2022) Factors influencing Muslim customers decision to choose Islamic hire purchase facility in Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Foziah, Ramli (2022) Global anti-base erosion (GloBE) Rules: Expected implications on multinational entities’ effective tax rate in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Fusiripong, Prashaya (2022) An enhanced supplier selection model based on optimized analytic network process towards sustainable information technology outsourcing. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Hafeez, Waqar (2022) Developing a family of Bayesian group chain sampling plans for quality regions. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hamad, Ahmed Mohammed Adnan (2022) Legal status of the president of the national authority, the council of ministers and legislative council in Palestine. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hamizah, Mohd Wazir (2022) The relationship between mental health, job burnout and pay satisfaction towards turnover intentions among staff nurses at Institut Jantung Negara Sdn Bhd (IJNSB). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hamizah Azizah, Sobri (2022) Perception of taxpayers towards tax compliance on justice, tax rate and tax penalty in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hamizal, Hamid (2022) Assessing the effectiveness of modern dressing and Hamizal Bridge Offloading (HBO) among diabetic mellitus patients with plantar wound. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Haruna, Alkasim (2022) The representation of women in the selected literary works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Buchi Emecheta. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hassan, Md. Rokebul (2022) Blockchain technology in the Bangladesh rice supply chain management. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hazman, Hussain (2022) Job performance of non-governmental organizations (NGO) in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hefvihervina Rohayu, Hariyanto (2022) Factors influencing the adoption of digital technology among working millennials. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hema, Beng Tissen (2022) The effect of Working capital management on firm’s profitability: Evidence from Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hemawathy, Sandran (2022) The prevalence of muscoskeletal disorder and associated ergonomic risk factors among secondary school teachers. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hosen, Md Delowar (2022) Relationship between job satisfaction, work environment, and employee performance: a case study of a Bangladesh's logistic company. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hossain, Mohammad Belayet (2022) A comparative study of the foreign direct investment laws at the pre-entry stage in Bangladesh and Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hussain, Ibrahim (2022) Relationship between destination brand image and destination brand loyalty of Gilgitbaltistan, Pakistan: a moderated mediation model. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hussain Shah, Muzafar (2022) The Determinants of Perceived Saving and Spending Decisions Among Working Youth in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Hye, A. K. Mahbubul (2022) An analysis on integrated supply chain management in academic university library. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Ibrahim, Siti Zulaiha (2022) Dynamic hybrid pricing formulation for equity warrants. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ijlal, Mohd Diah (2022) The development of stochastic models for relative risk estimation in constructing pneumonia disease mapping in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ikechukwu, Ibekwe Sampson (2022) Examining the role of individual’s commitment, trust in management and communication on readiness for change. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Indriyani, Rachma (2022) The enforcement and conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) fishery: A legal study in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Intan Noorjannah, Saidon (2022) A harmony index with consideration of experts' credibility in criteria weighting: The perspective of adolescents in the northern region of peninsular Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Iqbal, Muhammad Shahid (2022) The effects of collective organisational engagement, high performance work environment, innovative work behaviour towards high performance organisation. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ishak, Mohd Afiq Aizuddin (2022) Stress among PDRM investigation officer / assistant investigation officer (commercial) in Peninsular Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ismail, Amir Salim (2022) Factor affecting tax compliance among online business SMEs. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Izatul Akmar, Ismail (2022) Pembinaan personaliti islamik dalam kalangan usahawan asnaf berjaya di negeri Selangor. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Jabeen, Riffut (2022) Relationship between despotic leadership, psychological contract breach, perception of injustice and work engagement: the mediating role of perception of job insecurity. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jaffar, Tukiran (2022) Faktor-faktor penentu ketidakpatuhan cukai di kalangan individu berpendapatan tinggi di Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jagathisvaran, Selvanathan (2022) The effectiveness of game-based learning during teacher training in Sik. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jahja, Adi Susilo (2022) Corporate social responsibility rhetoric and legitimacy in Indonesian Islamic banking. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jamilah, Sulaiman (2022) Pengaruh pembangunan profesionalisme berterusan sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan antara kompetensi profesional guru dan kemahiran abad ke-21 guru sekolah menengah TS25. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jdetawy, Loae Fakhri Ahmad (2022) The employment of sex-related taboos and corresponding euphemisms in Arabic among Jordanian university students. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jegan, Rajoo (2022) Kesan faktor keadilan, sokongan penyelia dan ganjaran terhadap kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jinming, Wu (2022) The effects of tax incentives, financial performance and corporate social responsibility on Chinese a-listed companies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Juraini, Zainol Abidin (2022) Modelling SMEs failure in the hospitality industry of Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Kabir, Musa Usman (2022) Firm characteristics, corporate governance and value of manufacturing firms: Moderating role of product market competition. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kadhim, Mohammed Majid (2022) Repetitive mutations in genetic algorithm for software test data generations. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kamarudin, Ahmad Izzat Zairimi (2022) High performance work system and employee engagement in manufacturing industry at Pasir Gudang. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kamarudin, Muizzah (2022) Purchase intention of imported halal products among muslim consumers in Terengganu. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kamarun Hizam, Mansor (2022) Kaedah langsung blok hibrid berbilang-langkah berserta titik luar-langkah teritlak bagi menyelesaikan persamaan pembeza biasa peringkat tinggi. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kaneson, Maganathan (2022) Ekspektasi pengadu terhadap keberkesanan Perkhidmatan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) negeri Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kang, Boon Siang (2022) Developing prototype cost model for embedded motherboards assembly- A case study. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kannadasan, Nagalingam (2022) Risk assessment for incidents/accidents: a case study at chemical storage warehouse at northern region of Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kartik Sreedharaan, Kumaresan (2022) Exploring the skill sets of career changers from engineering to non-engineering careers. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kasmawati, Zakaria (2022) Analisis wacana bahasa perundingan Nabi Yusuf a.s. dalam penyelesaian konflik. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Khairul Anuar, Abdul Hamid (2022) The relationship between safety performance and safety climate in utilities industry, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd (Northen Regional). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Khan, Tariq Mahmood (2022) The comparison of principals’ leadership role, teachers’ attitude and instructional needs for inclusive education in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kharul Hasana, Jusoh (2022) Faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan kerja dalam kalangan Penolong Pegawai Perubatan pasca pandemik Covid-19 di Hospital Melaka. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kogilavani, Apadore (2022) Determinants of audit report lag among Malaysian public listed companies during the convergence period of IFRS. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kongnun, Tunwarat (2022) The mediating effect of learning organization on the relationship between personnel development, staff welfare and personnel performance of immigration department in Thailand. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ku Hafisal, Ku Mahamud (2022) Hubungan antara efikasi guru, pengetahuan isi kandungan, pengetahuan pedagogi kandungan dan penggunaan ICT dengan prestasi kerja guru matematik di sekolah menengah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kuganya, Nagendran (2022) The influence of green human resource management practices on organizational citizenship behavior for the environment. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Kumutha, Ramu (2022) The effect of reward on performance and job satisfaction among employee. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Lee, Chin Yee (2022) Factors affecting income stability of elderlies in Malaysia: The potential of reverse mortgage and the willingness to accept reverse mortgage. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Leela Saai, Subramaniam (2022) IoT usage and work-life balance in corporate sector during the COVID-19 pandemic – an exploratory study. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Lesalene, Gunasekaran (2022) Determinants of profit ability of listed companies in oil palm plantation sector in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Lim, Sie Yi Laura (2022) A game-based psychotherapy intervention model for memory disorder using neurofeedback approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Linggeswaran, Chandrasekakaran (2022) The resilience and mindfulness on teachers psychological well-being during pandemic. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Logeswathy, Selvaras (2022) Factors influencing employees job satisfaction in foreign banks’ data processing centres. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Loo, Theresa Xuan Fei (2022) Work and family factors on work-life balance among office workers in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Low, Gah Yin (2022) Human resource outsourcing decision-making in Malaysia: The why and how. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Mabkhot, Ammar Hashed Ahmed Nasser (2022) The impact of social media influencer marketing, credibility on consumers' purchase intention during Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mahmood, Shahid (2022) Human resource management practices and employee performance: The mediating role of self efficacy. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mahmoud, Hussin Ahmed Abdelkader (2022) A qualitative study on best practices and process of eliciting unambiguous quality attributes in scrum-based projects. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Maisarah, Abdul Basher (2022) Financial issues and impacts of construction industry in Kedah and Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Malini, Thiagraj (2022) Mobile learning experience and self-directed learning readiness on mobile task-based activity performance: a case study among postgraduate students. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mansour S, Aldosari Salem (2022) The effect of business process reengineering on organizational performance moderated by information technology capability in Riyadh. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Maraire, Fungayi Promote (2022) Principal-agent power dynamics and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) stance on Zimbabwe, 2000-2013. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mariah, Darus @ Mat Junus (2022) Kesan moderasi iklim beretika terhadap hubungan antara kepimpinan transformasi, personaliti Big-5 dan integriti. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mariana, Jusop (2022) A framework for measuring sharia-compliant e-commerce success of halal companies in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mariana, Usman (2022) The effectiveness of entrepreneurship program in Malaysia public universities. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Marina, Abu Bakar (2022) Developing strategic risk management planning framework in facing Covid-19 at Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Masraya, Sait (2022) Determinants of intention to use Generalized Audit Software (GAS) among accounting academics at Malaysian polytechnic. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Masturah, Malik @ Malek (2022) Existence and separation of risk management committee: Determinants and mediating effect on performance. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Maziah, Mohd Said (2022) Examining the role of work-related factor, psychosocial factor and weight control behavior on obesity among nurses. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mazrina, Osman (2022) Factors influence occupational stress among occupational therapist in Johor during Covid-19 pandemic. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Md Hazamani, Musa (2022) Dividend Policy Determinants: The Case of Shariah Approved Company (Sac) in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Md Nazri, Md Nor (2022) Predicting the intention for waqf education among polytechnic staff in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Md Radzi, Elias (2022) Pematuhan terhadap keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan melibatkan persekitaran pekerjaan krew kenderaan perisai tentera darat. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Md Radzi, Nur Hazera (2022) The integration of fuzzy delphi and fuzzy topsis for pharmaceutical waste treatment selection in the context of green practice. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mehmood, Waqas (2022) Impact of Country-Level Institutional Quality, Sponsors Ownership and Price Mechanism on Ipo Initial Return in Pakistan Stock Exchange. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Meor Ahmad Shahruzzaman, Meor Hashim (2022) Factors affecting intention to use learning management system among employees of Telekom Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Meor Anas, Meor Nadzri (2022) Factors Influencing customer Intention to use Islamic deposit account among teachers in Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mimi Rita @ Aishah, Tajuddin (2022) Exploring the pre-service teacher’s oral presentation anxiety and self-efficacy practice through self-reflection strategies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Misbah, Noreen (2022) The Impact of Fintech On Financial Inclusion And Customer Satisfaction: A Study On Mobile Money Services In Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mkpojiogu, Emmanuel O. C. (2022) A UX model for the evaluation of learners' experience on lms platforms over time. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad, Nur Zaitul Akmar (2022) Penerapan kemahiran kreativiti, pemikiran kritis, kolaborasi dan komunikasi dalam kerja amali stem kimia tingkatan enam. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Amin Bukhari, Hassan (2022) How Does Foreign Aid Reflect The Economic Growth of Malaysia and Indonesia? Ardl Analysis From 1990 to 2019. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Faidzal, Mohamad Ashraf (2022) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan kerja dalam kalangan guru sekolah menengah di Daerah Kota Setar, Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Haikal, Abd Rahim (2022) The Investigation of The Determinants of Dividend Payout in Malaysia: Impact of Covid-19 Pandemics. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Hazwan, Haris (2022) Relationship between safety climate and safety performance in paper manufacturing company. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad I'rfan, Shahruddin (2022) Fungsi komunikasi, faktor perubahan sikap aktor dan kefahaman ibu bapa terhadap video penyalahgunaan dadah di youtube. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Ilyas, Abdul Majid (2022) Mengukur tahap kecekapan perkhidmatan bekalan air di kalangan negeri-negeri industri dan hubungan dengan KDNK. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamad Nasrullah, Nasiruddin (2022) Motivasi dan orientasi pencapaian sebagai mediator kepada hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan jurulatih dengan prestasi atlet bola sepak sekolah sukan di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamed, Mohamed Abdullahi (2022) Determinants of the firm performance of returnee entrepreneurs in Somalia: the moderating effects of external environmental conditions. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamed, Nazratulshima (2022) Examine solid waste management practices: a case study at KDEB waste management, Selangor. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohamed Aboudahr, Shorouk Mohamed Farag (2022) The relationship between strategic leadership, organizational climate and quality management practices in Egypt public universities. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohammad Fakhari, Nasser Yousuf (2022) Influence of total quality management and organizational excellence factors on the organizational performance of Dubai police: Moderating role of management support. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohammad Firdaus, Zainudin (2022) The relationship between safety management practices and safety behavior among police officers in IPD Batu Gajah, Perak. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohanaraj, Visionathan (2022) Factors influencing tax compliance among selfemployed in Selangor, Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Akhmarudi, Mohd Yusoff (2022) Iklim sekolah sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan kepimpinan instruksional dengan kepuasan kerja guru. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Akram, Wahi Anuar (2022) The effect of MCCG compliance level on the likelihood of Malaysian firm financial distress. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Ammyrul Ashraf, Sairan (2022) Pemikiran agama, dakwah dan politik Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Aswan, Abdul Latif (2022) Disclosure level and trend analysis of sustainability reporting among public-listed banks in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Azizi, Ibrahim (2022) Factors influencing selection of contractors’ all risk Takaful product among Bumiputera contractors in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Azri, Pawan Teh (2022) A novel family of group chain acceptance sampling plans (GChSP) using Minimum Angle Method (MAM). Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Fathim, Mohd Talib (2022) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran abad ke-21 (PAK21) dalam kalangan guru-guru berdasarkan model TPACK. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Firdaus, Mohd Shaari (2022) The effectiveness of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in preventing Covid-19 infection among Healthcare Workers (HCW) – An exploratory study. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Fitri, Yusoff (2022) A new conceptual framework of tawhidic based Islamic mobile application for developers (T-iMAD). Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Ikhmal, Fadzil (2022) Keusahawanan sosial terbaik institusi masjid dalam membangun modal insan: Kajian kes di daerah Seberang Perai Utara 2014-2019. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Isa, Ahmad Mahir (2022) Determinants of personal bankruptcy, discharge and the role of Islamic social capital: Malaysia and Singapore case. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Najib, Azaari (2022) Determinant factors that influence financial literacy amongst young Muslims generation. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Norakmar, Omar (2022) Pengaruh kepimpinan teknologi pengetua dan efikasi kendiri guru terhadap penerimaan teknologi mudah alih di sekolah menengah kebangsaan negeri Kedah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Ramlan, Mohd Arshad (2022) Peranan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) di dalam menangani masalah pelarian Rohingya di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Rom, Muslim (2022) Strategic management in indentifying and developing young talents in elite amateur golf in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Shazwan, Mohd Ariffin (2022) Shareholder activism, Muslim CEO, family-controlled firms and disclosure of annual general meeting minutes on the corporate websites in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Tahir, Ahmad (2022) A structural model of the relationship between product quality, benefits, safety, values and consumer consumption behavior towards herbal products. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Zhafri, Mohd Zukhi (2022) A culturicon design model for communication across culture. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd Zulhilmi, Zulkifly (2022) Ethical behavior in public service: Case of Perlis state secretary office. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mohd.firdaus, Abd Khabir (2022) Pembinaan indeks jenayah curi kenderaan dengan pendekatan berbilang kriterium dalam persekitaran kabur. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mong, Swee Mei (2022) The effect of rewards and superior-subordinate relationship on employee performance. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Morisofaizan, Mokhtar (2022) Factors influencing work-life balance of bank employees in Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mufidah Syafiqah, Mihat (2022) The relationship between companies characteristics and tax Incentive: Listed manufacturing companies in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhamad Aswad, Mohd Noor (2022) Measuring Penang tourism destination attractiveness: application of contextual approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhamad Safuan, Jamil (2022) Jenayah penyeludupan dadah di sempadan malaysia: Kajian kes di Bukit Kayu hitam, Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad, Noor Fasihah (2022) Malaysian Islamic bank financial stability: a comparative analysis before and during covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Arif, Hasan (2022) Factors Influencing Social Entrepreneurial Intention Among Students at Higher Learning Institutions in Melaka. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Azirul Aridi, Che Azid (2022) Examining the role of perceived organizational support, job insecurity and work environment on work stress among factory’s production workers. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Fadhil Aiman, Munawir (2022) Determinants of intention for subscribing takaful in Kelantan: a study at Kem Batalion 8 Gerakan Am PDRM Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Ihsan, Idris (2022) Analisis doktrin akidah ahli sunnah wa al-jamaah dalam kitab perisai bagi sekalian mukallaf atau simpulan iman atas mazhab salaf karya Syeikh ‘Abd Al-Qādir Al-MandilῙ. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Khodri Harahap, Afif Zuhri (2022) Solving a multi-period inventory routing problem with stochastic unstationary demand rates. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Khodri Harahap, Afif Zuhri (2022) Solving a multiperiod inv entory routing problem with stochastic unstationary demand rates. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Muzazrin, Ismail (2022) Relationship of knowledge and attitudes towards covid-19 prevention practices among healthcare workers in Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, Batu Pahat. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Nasharudin Mu'Im, Nazri (2022) An exploratory study on shariah non-compliance income in Tawarruq home financing in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhammad Sodbir, Hamzah (2022) Financial development institutions and economic growth in the selected Asean-3 countries. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muhsin, Abdul Ghani (2022) Pengetahuan dan kesedaran penerapan elemen rekabentuk mesra alam: kajian kes dalam kalangan perekabentuk hiasan dalaman di Kuala Lumpur. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mukilan, Chelliah (2022) The moderating influence of language barrier on the relationship between safety management practices and safety behaviour among foreign workers at construction sites in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mukminah Aqilah, Roslan (2022) Title the role of cash waqf in the development of islamic institutions in Japan: Prospect and challenges. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Musliza, Mat Jusoh (2022) Pengaruh efikasi kendiri dan kepuasan kerja guru sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan iklim sekolah dengan komitmen guru di Kelantan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Mustaqeem, Sundus (2022) Framing communication strategies towards countering violent extremism among political and military leaders in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Muthusamy, Kuyilan (2022) First responder knowledge, skills and behavioural competencies and the compliance with emergency medical services sops by non-MOH ambulance services. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Nadesan, Kogila Vani (2022) Factors affecting employee’s mental health in Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad amidst covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nadira, M. Jahaya (2022) Perceptual learning style preferences of undergraduates in english for academic purpose courses in the online distance learning mode. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nailah, Muhammad Shukri (2022) Hubungan pengantara orientasi keusahawanan terhadap kompetensi pengurusan dan persepsi sokongan organisasi dengan prestasi koperasi sekolah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nasir, Aemin (2022) The relationship between total quality management practices and organizational sustainability in the context of industry 4.0: the mediating effect of innovative performance. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nathir, Mehamad (2022) Aplikasi terapi seni ekspresif resiliensi diri (TSE-RD) dalam kalangan ibu tunggal kategori De Facto Single Mothers (DFSM). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Naveed, Farrukh (2022) Behavioral biases, information acquisition and decisions of individual investors in Pakistan stock exchange. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nazathul Nisha, Azahar (2022) The determinant of safety management practices on safety behavior among medical devices manufacturing in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ng, Sook Yeum (2022) The acceptance of mobile wallet in Klang Valley Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Niazi, Murtaza Masud (2022) Political connections and financial performance: The moderating effect of corporate governance efficacy in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nifemi, Omiye Oluwapelumi (2022) Factors affecting job performance: an emprical approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nik Abdul Hamid, Nik Mohd Sofri (2022) Pendekatan dakwah bil hal di hotel patuh syariah: satu kajian di hotel Adya, Langkawi Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noor Aiza Natasha, Yob (2022) Investment propensity among Malaysian youth in the stock market. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noor Dina, Ibrahim (2022) Faktor penentu penyimpanan rekod yang baik di kalangan peniaga kecil: pengalaman pegawai audit. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noor Hanny, Samsu Anuar (2022) Incorporating shariah compliance, shariah awareness and perceived risk on contributor’s satisfaction behaviour in shariah retirement scheme. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noor Sakinah, Ghazali (2022) Factors influencing employees’ task performance in Malaysian government agencies. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noor Shuhada, Elias (2022) Keberkesanan audit dalaman sistem pengurusan kualiti ISO 9001 dan hubungannya terhadap pencapaian organisasi. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nooraini, Ismail (2022) Factors influencing the readiness to adopt electric vehicles: A study on Pulau Langkawi as a potential low-carbon island. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noorshabiha, Asmawi (2022) Understanding the antecedents of intention to knowledge sharing mediated by student interaction among internship students. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Afidah, Sulaiman (2022) Hubungan antara pengetahuan, motivasi, latihan dan promosi dengan kesedaran keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di IKM. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Aina Mardhiah, Nazim (2022) Mekanisme penguatkuasaan halal premis makanan: Kajian di Kedah dan Pulau Pinang. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Aishah, Abdullah Zam Zam (2022) Reward and compensation system on employee performance during pandemic Covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Asikin, Md Zain (2022) Amalan pengurusan kewangan dengan tahap keberuntungan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana di daerah Sik, Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Azwa, Mohamed Seri (2022) Help-seeking behaviour in the context of mental health among healthcare workers. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Hayati, Yahya (2022) Implementation of entrepreneurship education in the resettlement training program. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Ismawanie, Ismail (2022) Factors influencing employee engagement in MYDIN Mohamed Holdings Berhad. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nor Naurah, Mat Salleh (2022) The influence of achievement, recognition, leadership and Islamic work ethics toward job satisfaction among lecturers in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noraini, Ahmad (2022) Employee perception of logistics integration on supply chain performance in Malaysian telecommunication industry. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noraslinda, Fauzi (2022) The impact of product innovation on electrical and electronic product acceptance. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Norasnidah, Ali (2022) Determinants of behavioral intention to use employer e-filing system among registered employer (other than company) in the Klang Valley. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Noraznita, Miswan (2022) Penerimaan pengguna terhadap system STAMPS di kalangan pegawai lembaga hasil dalam negeri Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Norhana, Shaibatul Khadri (2022) Solving an application of university course timetabling problem by using genetic algorithm. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Norhanim, Alwi (2022) Kesan modul rasional emosi tingkah laku (REBTM) bagi menangani tingkah laku negatif pelajar. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Norin Rahayu, Shamsuddin (2022) Designing cross-validation consensus clustering with reference point in determining the optimal number of clusters. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Normala, Mohamad (2022) A UX evaluation model of hearing-impaired children’s mobile learning applications. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Norsafinar, Rahim (2022) Model tulisan tangan berbantukan teknologi untuk memudahcara penulisan murid Disgrafia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Aina Atiqah, Mohd Arif (2022) Philosophical and legal analysis on gender equality: a study in Malaysian corporate sector. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Amelia Hanah, Hisham (2022) Investigating factors influencing cross-cultural adjustments of academic expatriates in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Atikah, Norazam (2022) Elucidating the factors that influence turnover intention. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Faizah, Azali (2022) Perlaksanaan amalan pengilangan baik (APB) dalam kawalan kualiti dan keselamatan kosmetik di Utara Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Falihah, Halilul Rahuman (2022) The determinants of strategic management accounting practices for decision making in Malaysian company. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Farah Fadhlin, Mohamad Fuad (2022) Factors influence consumers’ acceptance of digital banking services at Islamic banks. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Farhana Hazwani, Abdul Basir (2022) Factors affecting users’ satisfaction towards smart system adoption among Inland Revenue Board (IRB) officers in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Fatiha Na’aimah, Mohd Fauzi (2022) The underutilization factors of computerised accounting software among accountants. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Fazila, Fazil (2022) Analisis kesantunan berbahasa berdasarkan gender dalam komen di laman media social facebook. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Hasmira, Mat Rifen (2022) Factors influencing workplace stress among nurses in Malaysia during Covid-19 pandemic. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Hikmah, Zulhaid (2022) Analisis Kemudahancaman Dalam Kalangan Pekebun Kecil Getah Di Kedah, Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Husnina Afiqah, Mohd Apandi (2022) Perception towards advertisement in Islam: A study among online sellers. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Khairunniza, Slamet Purwanto (2022) The moderating role of leader distance on the relationship between leadership styles and organizational performance. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Latifah, Ahmad Zaidi (2022) Knowledge, attitude, awareness and communication towards safety compliance among faculty laboratory staff in a public university. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Rahayu Ellyani, Mohd Rossli (2022) Malaysian Energy and Oil and Gas Companies: Does Working Capital Management Matter for Their Financial Performance? Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Shafiqah, Mohd Yusoff (2022) Relationship between covid-19, digital financial services and economic growth: evidence from panel data. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nur Syamimi, Muhamad Fauzi (2022) An enhanced air pollution index via aggregation of subjective and objective weights of the pollutants. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurayuni, Ratpi (2022) Relationship between the fifth discipline of learning organization and job satisfaction among primary school teachers at Sekolah Rendah Agama Integrasi (SRAI) in Selangor. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurdiyana, Jamil (2022) Hybridization of modified sine cosine algorithm with tabu search for solving quadratic assignment problem. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurfadillah, Ahmad Mahmud (2022) Job stressors, workplace telepressure, workplace fomo and cynicism about change: Implication towards commitment to change. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurin Aina Akmal, Abd Malik (2022) Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on consumer buying behaviour. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nursakirah, Ab Rahman Muton (2022) Understanding the process of cross-cultural code switching of global virtual teams in knowledge sharing. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Asyiqin, Abu Samah (2022) The factors influencing work-life balance among gen Y during pandemic Covid-19 in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Atiqah, Abdul Hadi (2022) Perkaitan antara motivasi kerja dengan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan pekerja yang bekerja dari rumah (bdr) semasa pandemik Covid 19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Farhana, Shuid (2022) The effects of increase of minimum wages to employees in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Fatehah, Abd Jalal (2022) Understanding ERP implementation challenges: A case study in a telecommunications company. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Fatiha, Sohaimi (2022) Factors influencing audit quality in tax audit among IRBM’s tax audit officers in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Hafizah, Ahmad Zubir (2022) Determinant of employee engagement at the workplace: A review on herzberg’s two factor theory. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Imtiaz, Abd Gani (2022) Relationships among factors affecting learners' satisfaction in blended learning of english proficiency course. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Liza, Aripin (2022) Factors affecting employees’ engagement at Royal Malaysia Customs Department, Central Zone, Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Nurul Syifa, Roslan (2022) Employee performance among female employees during working from home period of pandemic Covid19 movement control order (MCO) in Selangor. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Olatunji, Amuda Oluyemi (2022) The social construction of resilient Islamic militancy in northern Nigeria. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Oloruntoba, Ajare Emmanuel (2022) Identification of time series components using break for time series components (bftsc) and group for time series components (gftsc) techniques. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Omair Al-Ali, Ammar Abdulla Mohamed (2022) The impact of transformational leadership and transactional leadership on crisis management through charismatic leadership communication in emergency relief department in the United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Omran, Idris M. Ben (2022) The role of managerial-level, firm-level and institutional factors in opportunity recognition of cross-border business: The case of transnational immigrant entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Parimala Devi, Ponnan (2022) Takaful standards and customer perceptions affecting Takaful practices in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Parvin, Mst Monira (2022) Financial Risk Literacy and Financial Wellbeing Among Youths In Northern Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Pavithra, Janardhanan (2022) Malaysia as cashless society: factor influencing the intention to adopt e-wallet among elderly. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Pavitra, Munian (2022) The impact of instagram influencer characteristics on purchasing intention of fashion product in Klang Valley. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Peiyao, Zhang (2022) Estimating the effect of superstition on house price in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Pengman, Hasamon (2022) The logistics service providers’ capabilities, the government administration, resources and competitive advantage to the performance of the operational cross-border logistics between Thailand and Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Phankhong, Thienchai (2022) The relationships among innovation strategy, atmosphere, culture, innovativeness and organizational performance in hotel industry of Thailand. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Phoksawat, Kornkanok (2022) An integrated ontology and multi-objective optimization model for intercropping decision support systems. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Prachaseree, Kwanrudee (2022) E-marketplace patronage intention among Southern Thailand consumers: the role of online retail/service brand equity and country of origin. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Praptapa, Agung (2022) Institutionalization of management control system practices in a local-government-owned water supply company in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Prasanthi, Doraisamy (2022) Determinants of digital skills in current technology advanced workforce in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Qaderi, Sumaia Ayesh Qasem (2022) The effect of board characteristics, chairman and CEO attributes on integrated reporting disclosure in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Qazwanji, Firas Nooraldeen Mardan (2022) Corporate governance and firm performance: The moderating role of intellectual capital in Iraq listed companies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Qureshi, Qasim Ali (2022) Students' intention to use in-app advertisements in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ma’arof (2022) Spirituality at work, HRM practices, employee engagement and job performance among nurses at public hospitals. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rabitah, Harun (2022) The relationship of strategic improvisation, entrepreneurial marketing and social capital in the small-scale business performance and the moderating role of government support. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Radiaton Nizar, Muhammad Japri (2022) Pengaruh keagamaan dan iklim organisasi beretika terhadap integriti pegawai tadbir dan diplomatik. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Radziah, Halid (2022) The Effect of Dividend Policy on Share Prices of Bursa Malaysia Listed Companies. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rafidahtul, Abdul Rahim (2022) Exploring the concept and consequences of green campaign on social media platforms. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rahman, Saif Ur (2022) Foreign direct investment, domestic investment, and growth of manufacturing sector in Pakistan: Aggregate and disaggregate analysis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Raihaan, Abdul Rashid (2022) Factors influencing workplace happiness among Gen Z employees. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ramanan, Banu (2022) Pengaruh kesediaan perubahan sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan antara amalan pembangunan profesional berterusan dengan kompetensi guru sekolah di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ramli, Muhamad Salehudin (2022) Kajian deskriptif analisis risiko kejadian kekerasan di tempat kerja dalam kalangan penolong pegawai perubatan di Hospital Melaka. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ramly, Rustam Kamal (2022) The usage of whatsapp application as an internal communication medium using technology acceptance model (TAM) at ALAM Maritim Sendirian Berhad (AMSB). Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rashid, Amad (2022) Professional skepticism, ethical leadership, audit committee characteristics and internal audit effectiveness in Pakistan's listed companies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Razali, Fairulnizam (2022) Hubungan antara sikap pekerja, beban kerja pekerja dan penglibatan pekerja, terhadap tingkahlaku keselamatan. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Razilina, A.Razak (2022) Factors influencing voluntary income tax compliance Intention among sole proprietors: The mediating effect of information dissemination. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Reetha, Subramaniam (2022) Behavioral customer brand loyalty among young consumer. The influence of online communities, brand experience and trendiness on cosmetics product. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rehman, Abdul (2022) The Impact Of Corruption, Country Governance Indicators And Loan Portfolio Concentration On Nonperforming Loans Of Three Selected South Asian Countries. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rehman, Zia Ur (2022) Examining the influencing factors of turnover intention: Mediating and moderating effect of organizational commitment and Islamic work ethics. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rekha, Selvarajoo (2022) Pengurusan konservasi dalam konteks perkembangan urbanisasi di Taiping bandar warisan 1990-2020. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rose Afdayanti, Nasir (2022) Penentuan tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap penggunaan sistem MyTax di kalangan pembayar cukai di Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rosidah, Ramli (2022) Pengaruh pengetahuan pedagogi kandungan, efikasi kendiri guru, persepsi guru dan kepimpinan instruksional pengetua terhadap amalan pedagogi terbeza. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rosmaria, Jaffar @ Harun (2022) Factors influencing aggressive tax planning among companies listed on the ace market: The moderating effect of non-audit services fee. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Rushaniza Idawaty, Ruslan (2022) Consumer behaviour of online intention to purchase during Covid-19 pandemic: the role of religiosity and trust from perspective of theory of planned behavioural. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ruziana, Mohamad Rasli (2022) Ontology model for zakat hadith knowledge based on causal relationship, semantic relatedness and suggestion extraction. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ryke, Pribudhiana (2022) The influence of visionary leadership and teacher quality toward teacher readiness in Implementing education policy in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Ryma, Guechi (2022) The roles of teaching methods,teachers’ self-efficacy, ICT resources and intrinsic motivation in the teaching of english culture in EFL classrooms in Algeria. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Saab, Maher Waleed Asaad (2022) A balanced partitioning mechanism for multicontroller placement in software-defined wide area networks. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sabir, Fozia (2022) The relationship between school leadership styles, motivational factors, performance appraisal and job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sabti, Yousif Mousa (2022) Influence of home country push factors on intention to migrate among Iraqi medical doctors. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sadallah, Mouad (2022) Business zakat compliance behaviour in Algeria and its determinants. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Saddiq Sani, Abu Bakar (2022) The Persistence Of Bribery Practices In Abuja, Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sadradin, Hairan (2022) Hubungan persekitaran kerja dan beban kerja terhadap tekanan kerja dalam kalangan pegawai penguatkuasa semasa pandemik Covid-19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Saeed, Muhammad (2022) Green bonds and other financial markets; diversification and volatility transmission patterns amidst COVID-19. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Salehin, Suleiman (2022) Polis Diraja Malaysia dan pendekatan keselamatan komuniti luar bandar: satu kajian kes di Padang Besar, Perlis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Salman, Mohammed Ali Salman (2022) The disbanding and the process of the rebuilding of the Iraqi armed forces from 2003 to 2014. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sankor, Salah Mortada Shahen (2022) Enhancement on the modified artificial bee colony algorithm to optimize the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sasikumar, Munian (2022) Relationship of work overload, working environment, and workplace relationships towards job stress in the Royal Malaysia Police Officer. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Saudi, Kamal Rudzaman (2022) Hubungan latihan, komunikasi dan pengetahuan keselamatan terhadap pematuhan keselamatan dalam kalangan kakitangan retail Tenaga Nasional Berhad Negeri Sembilan. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shafie, Shahira (2022) Hesitant fuzzy network topsis methods with the incorporation of z-numbers and social network analysis for small and large scale group decision making. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shafiee, Nur Syarima (2022) Pengaruh efikasi diri guru, kepimpinan instruksional pengetua dan ketara sedar sekolah terhadap amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran abad ke-21 (pak21). Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shafrizan, Abdul Hamid (2022) Factors influence entrepreneurship among Muslim fisheries community in Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shahhar, Abdul Rahman (2022) Factors related to risk-taking behaviour amongst Malaysian recreational scuba divers: The moderating effect of self-esteem. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shahid, Muhammad Naeem (2022) The effect of sustainable human resource management and emotional Intelligence on job performance of secondary school teachers: a mediation of psychological ownership. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shahrulizam, Zainal Abidin (2022) Self-Auditing Efficiency as Risk Identifier in Financial Management Process at CIDB Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shams, Muhammad Shahid (2022) The relationships between job crafting, idiosyncratic deals, internal locus of control, psychological empowerment, and work engagement among Pakistani academicians: a moderated mediation model. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shamsul Kamar, Abdul Rahman (2022) The relationship between human resource factors and turnover intention. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shao, Jinghan (2022) The impact of non-audit services on auditor independence-evidence from Chinese listed companies. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sharif, Arshian (2022) Impact of energy prices on equity markets: the analysis of different market conditions. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sharifah Husna Ayuni, Sh Hayazi (2022) The determinants of intention to purchase halal food products among non-Muslim consumers in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sharifah Roziah, Syed Mahzan (2022) Consumer behaviour of halal logo food online purchasing during Covid-19 pandemic: the role of spirituality, reputation, trust and satisfaction. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sharifah Zeenatu Zainab, Syed Zakaria (2022) The influence of organisational culture on employee performance in Medivest Sdn Bhd. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shemala, Ramiah (2022) Ethical leadership and employee job satisfaction: A case of manufacturing company in Kulim Kedah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shimailawi, Shatha Abdulhadi Muthana (2022) Multi-objective pareto ant colony system based algorithm for generator maintenance scheduling. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shukor, Abu Samah (2022) Hubungan di antara tret personaliti, motivasi selamat dan tingkah laku selamat dalam kalangan anggota kesihatan jabatan kecemasan Hospital Seri Manjung. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siqi, Ma (2022) A Study of Corporate Executive Corruption, Business Performance and Accounting Information Quality - A Case Study of the Chinese Stock Market. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siswanto, Apri (2022) An enhanced fingerprint template protection scheme. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Aisyah, Muhamad (2022) Faktor penentu tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap “stamp assessment and payment system” (stamps) di Muar, Johor. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Muyassarah, Abd Nasir (2022) The relationship between new product development and organisational performance in Malaysian Electrical & Electronic Industry. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Noor Shamilah, Misnan (2022) Hubungan kandungan program keusahawanan TUBE dan personaliti terhadap kelangsungan perniagaan usahawan belia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Nor Farah Jawahir, Fadzil (2022) Predicting occupational accident at automotive manufacturing industry in Malaysia using decision tree technique. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Nur Aisyah, Alias (2022) Sokongan francaisor, kompetensi pengurusan, teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, kepercayaan dan prestasi francaisi di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Nurkhadijah, Md. Yunos (2022) Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on traceability technology among poultry farmers in Kedah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Siti Zainab Husna, Mohd Kanafiah (2022) Student’s online learning readiness during the pandemic of COVID-19: A comparative analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sivabala, Rasarathnam (2022) Multinational entities and transfer pricing disclosures. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sivapooranee, Chanasarkaren (2022) A Study On The Role Of Working Capital Management On Public Listed Companies In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sriletcumy Maran, Maran (2022) Perceived stress among university students in UUM during COVID-19-induced online learning. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Sugiana, I Wayan (2022) Kesan penyederhanaan kepemimpinan transformasional dan budaya masyarakat terhadap hubungan antara budaya organisasi dengan perubahan : Kajian institut pengajian tinggi swasta di Jakarta. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Suhaili, Abdul Rahman (2022) Politik pengurusan keselamatan di Sabah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Suhaili, Mohd Yusoff (2022) Pengaruh kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua, kesejahteraan tempat kerja dan pemerkasaan terhadap komitmen organisasi guru sekolah. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Suleman, Areeba (2022) Factors affecting performance of family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises with presence of networking orientation. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Surbakti, Herison (2022) Tacit knowledge for business intelligence framework using cognitive-based approach. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Suriani, Sukri (2022) The moderating effects of the external environment on the relationship between technology strategy and organizational performance. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Suriati, Saikortali (2022) Pengaruh sokongan pentadbir, efikasi kendiri dan minat terhadap kepuasan kerja guru pendidikan khas. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Tan, Eng Hin (2022) The relationship between leadership factors and performance appraisal satisfaction among R&D engineers. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tan, Kian Guan (2022) Users’ perception on factors affecting enterprise resource planning post implementation success in top glove Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tan, Swee Choon (2022) Footwear quality evaluation using decision tree and logistic regression models. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tan, Yee Wen (2022) The effect of supportive work environment and workplace diversity on employee engagement in hotel industry. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tasleem, Zerish (2022) The impact of socio-economic determinants on rural poverty in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Theayavalan, Vasudevan (2022) Improving substructure works safety performance rating using six sigma methodology. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Thivisha, Maran (2022) The willingness of Malaysian household to pay for prevent rivers pollution in Cameron Highlands. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Thivyarani, Visionathan (2022) Malaysia’s Exchange Rate: Political Issue And Macroeconomic Impacts Of Malaysia’s Exchange. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tineshwary, Paramasivam (2022) Factors influencing women’s job performance in life insurance industry. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tivya Rubini, Wadivel (2022) Impact of capital structure on firm performance–an analysis on Malaysia public listed financial technology (FinTech) companies. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tom, Abubakar Magira (2022) The intention to adopt model of infrastructure as a service-based e-learning in higher education institutions in Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Usman, Mohammed (2022) Moderating effect of budget implementation on the relationship between selected local government characteristics and the provision of primary education in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Uvathi, Mariappan (2022) Kemahiran insaniah dan hubungan dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran perakaunan di matrikulasi. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Uzoma, Ihediohamma Raphael (2022) A heuristic evaluation checklist for mobile shopping applications. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Vincent, Aniekwena Egbuna (2022) Factors influencing employee performance at peace corps of Nigeria. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Wan 'Aliaa, Wan Anis (2022) Examining customers’ intention to switch to prepaid mobile phone service providers in northern Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Wan Ruzailan, Wan Mat Rusoff (2022) Neo radikalisme: Kajian kes Daesh di Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Wong, Jerng Foong (2022) Hybrid tabu search – strawberry algorithm for multidimensional knapsack problem. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Wu, Yongping (2022) The influence of L1 knowledge, meaning knowledge and language exposure on the processing and production of english collocations among EFL learners. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Xiaoli, Che (2022) The antecedents and outcome of k-workers’ Leader-Member Exchange (LMX): Evidences from Chinese MNCS in China. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Yan, Tang (2022) Employee performance from the perspectives of motivation, engagement, and adoption of virtual meeting. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Yao, Ma (2022) The improvement of Item-based collaborative filtering algorithm in recommendation system using similarity index. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Yasotha, Suppiah @ Thangaraj (2022) The relationship between students and stress in University Utara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Yong, Koo Kian (2022) The role of expressive art therapy and neurofeedback assessments in improving clinical hypnosis adherence among anxiety sufferers. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Yousfi, Halah Muneer (2022) The role of strategic leaders, big data analysis, and the investment decisions in building smart sustainable cities in the United Arab Emirates. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Yusof, Norhanisha (2022) An extended user experience evaluation over time model for e-procurement system. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.


Zaharudin, Haziratul Qudsiah (2022) Selected seasonality effect in crude palm oil futures contract quoted on bursa Malaysia derivatives. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zaharudin, Othman (2022) Integrated competency-based leadership development programme in a non-governmental organisation: An action research. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zahira, Amer Hamzah (2022) Online business success factors for university students in Klang Valley. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zahoor, Nida (2022) Relationship of personality, high performance work practices, and work stress with work-life balance: Mediating role of work-family conflict. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zahra, Fatima (2022) A usability model for chronic disease management mobile applications. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zaid Alkilani, Saleh Nafeth Saleh (2022) The impact of corporate governance mechanisms on modified audit opinion: empirical evidence from Jordanian public listed companies. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zaidi, Mohammad (2022) Examining financial attitude, personality traits and mediating factor of financial literacy towards level of indebtedness. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zalina, Zakaria @ Abdul Mutalib (2022) Kesediaan perubahan organisasi sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan antara kepimpinan distributif dan professional learning community. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zamzama, Mohd (2022) Tahap pelaksanaan amalan 5s dan prestasi jabatan di Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zarul Azhar, Nasir (2022) The effects of macroeconomics policies on housing affordability in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zila, Zainal Abidin (2022) The Influence of Institution Reputation, Service Quality and Satisfaction on Students’ Loyalty Towards Kolej Poly Tech Mara. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zulrina Efriza, Zardi (2022) Analyzing the relationship between organizational resources and organizational performance moderated by organizational culture in the Malaysian electrical and electronics industry. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zuraida Hani, Zulkepli (2022) The influence of information technology capability on the relationship between corporate communication and internal supply chain management. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Zuriahati Zainal, Zainal (2022) Improving the audit quality of the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia through action research. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 20 02:55:49 2025 +08.